It’s about enjoyment

HI everyone!

Ok, one more from Roatan! Just as I finished up writing my last blog, I realized that I needed to mention one other lesson learned from my discussion with the resort managers which I talked about in my blog on July 14, 2018. And that is, he, as an engineering teacher, truly did love his job. He didn’t feel a need to retire to get away from it, and he probably would have kept on working for at least several more years at it if the extended opportunity to present fun, ecological seminars didn’t present itself.

His wife, however, was absolutely ready to retire when the opportunity presented itself. I understood from her reaction that she wanted to retire definitively and was very happy about this chance.

So, all this is to say, if you love your job and don’t want to or don’t have to retire, then you absolutely don’t have to! If retirement is all about doing what you want and what you love, and if you are already doing it, then there is no reason to change! When and if the time is right for whatever reason, you will be able to take the plunge at that time.

But if you definitely feel the tug to retire in the next few years, and if your finances will allow for it, I encourage you to start the process of planning for what is next! It is actually a fun and interesting process…with lots of discoveries ahead!

Of course, planning for the financially part is definitely important.  As I said in the beginning, I do not have retirement financial expertise and we relied on a financial planner significantly. If you have a 401(k) or other retirement plan at work, I recommend you talk to one of their advisors or seek private planners; but even if the money part is not ready yet, thinking ahead and implementing some of your desires for retirement now, even before your retirement,  pave the way.   There are lots of things you can start now to make things very enjoyable. Remember as we have said, the brainstorming and list making  we have talked about is great for helping to make both your NOW and THEN be what you want it to be!

Take care and happy planning! Come back next time when we will talk from the angle of being in the middle of work time still!


Lessons Learned

Welcome back!

Today I thought I would just summarize my “lessons learned” during my Roatan vacation! It was a great experience for me, and an eye-opener! I hope my list of lessons learned helps you to sort through some of your ideas about your retirement planning. They may or may not apply directly to you, but they hopefully will help you to think about whether they do apply, whether the opposite applies, or something in between.

 – While I want time freedom, I also need some structure.
 –  Writing out my thoughts has helped gel what I am thinking I want my retirement to be, and to sort through some of the little things that I hadn’t really considered before.
 – Even though Dave was diving for most of our time here, I realized that, in real life, he and I will be together more than we ever had been. We need to make our relationship as a couple be a high priority.
-  Though I haven’t written about it yet, even though our “coupleness” is important, our individuality is also important, so we need to be sure those needs are also planned for.
 – I want to take time to grow my relationship with my daughters and granddaughters, using the time I still have to leave a legacy of family, faith, responsible living, fun and love.
-  I want to grow my own relationship with Jesus Christ more fully, so I live in great anticipation of who I will meet when He finally calls me home!

I hope more ideas than these have been flowing through your mind as you have walked through this set of my blogs! These all come from when I had the time to really think. I hope you have that same opportunity, but even if you can’t get away for a week right now or in the near future, try to block out an hour or so just for you each week and write down your thoughts. Remember, neither your list nor general “thoughts” journals need to be shared with anyone unless you want to, and you are not committing yourself to anything by writing them…you are just starting the process of making sure you don’t wake up on your first retired morning and saying “Now what?” OR, even if your retirement is a ways down the road, these times to think and write things down will help you so you don’t wake up one morning and realize you aren’t doing anything you want to do other than work, eat, sleep, repeat. Writing things down is VERY empowering to help you get your sights set on what you want to accomplish in your life, both before AND after retirement!

There will be one more blog from my Roatan experience after this, but after that, my next blogs will be from when I am back in the trenches of real life…work, home, etc. But, the day I went back to work after my Roatan vacation it was 7 months till my Retirement Date in October (but from date of actual posting, is only about 2.5 months!) That will hopefully keep me going!

Take care!

Changing retirement ideas

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

The day I wrote this was our last full day in Roatan. So that means settling up accounts, packing, and doing the last stuff we want to do. It was wonderful break, full of discovery for me, full of diving for Dave.

As I was paying the bill at the dive shop, the resort managers were there on the dock, and I started talking with them. They are a 60-something couple who I knew hadn’t been there as managers too long. I asked them how long and found out about THEIR retirement story…and since it is interesting and proves up something that I think is good to realize, I wanted to tell you some of their story today.

The husband-manager was an engineering teacher for 35 years. The wife-manager was the administrator of a crisis teen center. In their later years they started learning about ecology, and got involved with a seminar group, speaking around the world about those issues. That brought them to the attention of the resort we were at, along with having come here as guests and “mentioning” they might consider retirement sometime in the near future. They got a call from the resort a few years ago reminding them of their retirement remark and were asked if they might be ready to retire now… and if they could come to host the seahorse festival during the entire month of November. They decided it was a great opportunity and so they did retire. The invitation then expanded to some other time frames so that they eventually spent about 12 weeks a year here doing special fun educational events.

Next up, they were asked if they would like to live in Roatan full time and MANAGE the resort! Quite the turn of events! They agreed and have been here now about 5 months full time.

I think this interesting story shows that, even if you retire, you may end up with other opportunities presenting themselves!

I really don’t think this is the end of their retirement story, however, based on our conversation. They are enjoying their role, but he remarked that he realized he really is not “retired” any more, since this managerial position for them both is a 24/7 situation, with lots to do to keep things running, improvements to make, etc. My personal opinion is this might last a couple of years, then perhaps they will go back to their fun ecological education seminars when they want to do them….OR, who knows?

The point is, retirement means a lot of different things to people. I don’t think too many of today’s retirees think of the old traditional “rocking on the front porch” version of this period in their lives anymore. I certainly don’t! My list shows that I have lots of plans for my “golden years!” I hope your list is helping you define what you want your retirement to be! And, if rocking on the porch sounds divine to you, that is great! But I think this story of these resort managers shows that retirement may change over time, from slower paced to a little more active to perhaps a whole new career, and back again! Keep your mind open to possibilities and to what you want to make of your retirement!

More next time, see you then and have a wonderful rest of your day!

More things on my list

Happy day to you! Thanks for checking back in!

I hope that you can tell by now, by various general references, that Dave and I are Christian. Our faith is very important to us, and we have been very active in church through most of our married lives.

We both did step down from leadership positions in our church nearly a year ago, as we felt the Lord leading us to take a break and prepare for this retirement phase of our lives. We have enjoyed this break, but we both know that the Lord still has things for us to do.

Another item on my list is more personal Bible study. Dave and I enjoy morning devotionals together, I lead a women’s Bible study with some people at my work, and Dave attends a men’s Bible prayer breakfast. We are also part of a small group from our church that meets 2 times per month. But nothing substitutes for our own, individual studies…not just reading scripture, but truly studying it. The Lord may lead us to study a particular topic in His Word…or He may show us a particular book of the Bible to delve into. I like to listen to certain radio preachers (see below for some ones I like, if you are interested!) and one day one of them talked about how many times Scripture said, “But God…” Many of these were times that the Lord intervened in something. I have done a search in a Bible study program called e-sword and printed out the Scripture list. I would like to study through those, to see what my “But God…” might be.

Right now, while I am still working, there is not as much time available for me to do this very personal study along with the couple devotional and group Bible study. That is why this is an important item on my list for retirement. I hope even now, before you retire however, you make time for some sort of Bible Study and corporate worship time to keep you centered in the Lord…there is nothing like encouragement and accountability of other believers! Then, if you have time now OR if you must wait till retirement time, think about some individual Bible Study you would like to do, and put it on your list!

I know some of you reading this may not be Christian. I am not going to apologize for this blog, and I hope you will continue to follow my blog. If you are not a Christian, I do hope you will consider where you want to spend your eternal life…we all have everlasting life, but WHERE that eternal life will be is the thing to make sure you understand; please take the necessary steps to make that eternal destination be in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Take care…below are some resources and Scripture references for you if you aren’t sure how to be a Christian…it’s not about doing enough good stuff to earn eternal life. We just can’t do it. But Jesus did it for us! My prayer is that you will take Jesus up on His offer of eternal life with Him!


Radio Preachers and programs:,,,,

Christian Radio Stations which run the programs above: KPOF 910 AM, KRKS 94.7 FM, GraceFM 89.7 FM (Denver) and check out the web for others.

Music – WAY FM 101.9 FM, KTLF 90.5 FM.

May of these also have online listing available!

Scripture references for salvation: Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, John 14:6 and others. Go to and type in “What is the way of salvation” for a great article with further info!

Bible resources: Free download of multiple versions of the Bible including some commentary at

Time for health

Hello! Glad you are back! I hope you are stirring with our own ideas by now to help make every day, whether in retirement or not, full of joy and purpose!

My trip to Roatan was really an eye-opener to me for my retirement preparation journey. I suppose that is in part because I finally got to start writing these blog entries, so my thoughts began coming clearer and faster. By the way, writing not only your list, but perhaps writing or dictating an actual journal, might be good for you to consider too, to sort out your swirling thoughts! If you don’t like it after a couple of weeks, no worries. What helps me may not be your cup of tea, and that is OK!

But one other thing that was rather eye-opening is related to my health. I am “generally” healthy, and I like to learn about and implement natural methods of health maintenance and healing. But, I know I have a lot more to learn, (and some issues and bad habits to break) and so my list contains learning about essential oils, herbalism, healthy eating, exercising and other health-related topics.

When I arrived in Roatan, I had a large amount of swelling in my right leg. I thought it was just leftover from the plane ride. But on our 3rd full day there, I was walking around and found not only was my leg swollen, but I was having pain in my ankle and foot. As I got back from my walk I thought I would just stop by the nurse’s office, figuring she would have an ace bandage for me for a sprained ankle. As she probed, no evidence of sprain, but she was concerned about the one-leggedness of my swelling. Since I had a small blood clot history, she was concerned, and through a lot of rigamarole, I ended up going to a clinic where the local folks go to get an ultrasound. Not my favorite day of the trip, but I was happy to hear no evidence of a blood clot. I was advised to drink more water, eat a little more protein, but nothing real definitive otherwise.

I decided to really observe my leg and how I felt generally, which I don’t normally have time to do. I largely stayed off of it the next morning – while swelling had gone down overnight, it swelled back up pretty much immediately after I got up. In the afternoon I tried a short walk, and my ankle started hurting again. I wanted to do a tour at the end of the week, and I feared that was out if I couldn’t walk.

Then, I decided to experiment. I am not one to wear flip flops generally, but I had to get some because the sandals I had brought were not working since they were too tight due to the swelling. I decided to try my tennis shoes again and took a walk. Voile! No more ankle pain! Apparently non-support plus holding onto shoes with my toes does not agree with me, causing foot and ankle pain! Swelling was still there, but at least I could walk…and do my tour at the end of the week! All because I had the time, and made it count, to observe my own health and symptoms!

Do you have any health issues, or at least things you would like to improve, that will benefit from mindful observation of yourself? Make sure to put it on your list…and preferably start doing that now as much as you can, even before you retire if you aren’t there yet…so that when you DO retire, it is as healthy as it can be!

Take care, Mary