Changing retirement ideas

Hello everyone, and welcome back!

The day I wrote this was our last full day in Roatan. So that means settling up accounts, packing, and doing the last stuff we want to do. It was wonderful break, full of discovery for me, full of diving for Dave.

As I was paying the bill at the dive shop, the resort managers were there on the dock, and I started talking with them. They are a 60-something couple who I knew hadn’t been there as managers too long. I asked them how long and found out about THEIR retirement story…and since it is interesting and proves up something that I think is good to realize, I wanted to tell you some of their story today.

The husband-manager was an engineering teacher for 35 years. The wife-manager was the administrator of a crisis teen center. In their later years they started learning about ecology, and got involved with a seminar group, speaking around the world about those issues. That brought them to the attention of the resort we were at, along with having come here as guests and “mentioning” they might consider retirement sometime in the near future. They got a call from the resort a few years ago reminding them of their retirement remark and were asked if they might be ready to retire now… and if they could come to host the seahorse festival during the entire month of November. They decided it was a great opportunity and so they did retire. The invitation then expanded to some other time frames so that they eventually spent about 12 weeks a year here doing special fun educational events.

Next up, they were asked if they would like to live in Roatan full time and MANAGE the resort! Quite the turn of events! They agreed and have been here now about 5 months full time.

I think this interesting story shows that, even if you retire, you may end up with other opportunities presenting themselves!

I really don’t think this is the end of their retirement story, however, based on our conversation. They are enjoying their role, but he remarked that he realized he really is not “retired” any more, since this managerial position for them both is a 24/7 situation, with lots to do to keep things running, improvements to make, etc. My personal opinion is this might last a couple of years, then perhaps they will go back to their fun ecological education seminars when they want to do them….OR, who knows?

The point is, retirement means a lot of different things to people. I don’t think too many of today’s retirees think of the old traditional “rocking on the front porch” version of this period in their lives anymore. I certainly don’t! My list shows that I have lots of plans for my “golden years!” I hope your list is helping you define what you want your retirement to be! And, if rocking on the porch sounds divine to you, that is great! But I think this story of these resort managers shows that retirement may change over time, from slower paced to a little more active to perhaps a whole new career, and back again! Keep your mind open to possibilities and to what you want to make of your retirement!

More next time, see you then and have a wonderful rest of your day!