Introducing…Retire with Joy and Purpose!

Hello everyone, and welcome to my page!

I hope the website name itself tells my goal, but I wanted to introduce myself and where I am on this retirement journey. I also want to tell you my purpose in writing this. I hope you enjoy the ride!

My name is Mary Powell… I guess that is important to know WHO I am first! Also, in the interest of letting you know right up front, this blog is NOT about the financial part of retiring. I don’t have that expertise, and I strongly recommend you talk to a financial planner to make sure you have all of your ducks in a row (or AT LEAST in the same pond!).  At some point I may have some guest bloggers who can address that, but it definitely won’t be me talking about money!

Secondly, no, I am actually NOT retired yet! Shocked? Wondering how I can write this, then? LOL! (i.e. laughing out loud!) Well, let me tell you about that!

My husband Dave and I have been looking toward our retirement future with great anticipation! About 5 years ago, we started to think about the “when” instead of the “pie in the sky” that it had been before that. We had a financial planner and felt the money part would be OK, (though I must admit we didn’t really see the “how” of that and have “assurance” of that till about a year ago….a future blog topic, not in money detail, though as discussed above). But now, it was time to start really thinking about it…for REAL.

My first realization as I began to think about this, is that it wasn’t all about the practical “when,” though that is important. What I have realized is that getting ready to retire is a journey! It isn’t (or at least, in my opinion, it is BEST if it isn’t) an instantaneous decision without planning for the “what next.” When I actually DO retire (hopefully later this year), I expect that to be a totally NEW LEG of the journey!

The “what next” is what this blog is about… and making sure your “what next” gives you joy and purpose in your retirement years! You worked hard for it…now, whatever form it takes (and there are MANY forms, whatever YOU want or whatever you can do), it’s time to enjoy it!

I wish you each a fun journey along with me! Let’s go!

See you next time…can’t wait!


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