Social Media

Welcome back!! Today I wanted to talk about one specific “to do”, OR perhaps I should say “not to do” from my retirement list. I am talking about social media and other forms of media.

My list says that at least one day a week I will “fast” from social media…in my case, Facebook, as well as online researching or news sites. Ideally, I would like eventually to make that only 2X per week that I DO engage in these online activities. This may or my not be a problem for you, but I can tend to start looking at Facebook and at my e-mails with links to all sorts of news-related articles, and before you know it, I have lost 2-3 hours. I may not have a full schedule when I retire (though I suspect it will fill up faster than I imagine…that is a topic for another blog!), but I don’t want my free time to be all sucked up by being online, linking from one thing to another.

My goal is to keep informed but not feel I have to be “up to the minute” all the time. Unfortunately, much of what is out there online is bad news…and I don’t want that to be what I dwell on when I am trying to have an interesting, active, enjoyable retirement!

So, this short blog is just food for thought for you. I actually don’t think this is a bad goal even if you aren’t retired yet…there is just too much other stuff to do than to fritter away valuable time in cyberspace!

If you disagree, that is A-OK! Remember, this is all about having the freedom to do what YOU want to do!

See you next time…take care!!

2 thoughts on “Social Media”

  1. Totally agree with you- I would suggest starting before retirement with a day away from electronics. I would leave my phone in my briefcase from Friday night until Sunday. With aging parents, I keep the phone with me now, but I leave the emails and social media for later.

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