Time to notice and enjoy things

Hello and so glad you are here!

I hope you read my June 26, 2018 blog because I learned another lesson that stems off of the one I talked about there. That is, while as I said I do need some structure, I am enjoying the ability to stop and notice things! My working life right now is mostly hurry up and get one thing done, and another, and another, with a bunch of interruptions from e-mails, phone calls, meetings and “drive-bys” as I try accomplish the things I need to do. That has created for me a challenging career which has kept me interested for a lot of years, but now I am ready to ratchet down from that. While still in Roatan, as I went out to the gazebo to start writing and walked across the board walk, I looked down at the water and saw at least 5 different kinds of fish! I have looked a bit when I came here before but didn’t see what I saw today! VERY COOL! Now I would finally get to join the divers looking at the fish charts in the dining room to get the names of my discoveries!

I also met a woman who was on her morning “walk-about” as she put it – and after we talked for a couple of minutes, I watched her walk, look, enjoy, and that reinforced my realization that, in spite of my need for a structure, I need to be sure to “look up” or “out” or wherever is beyond my nose, so I don’t miss the wonders around me. I don’t want my structure to be my ultimate purpose, but I want enjoyment of life and appreciation and thankfulness to the Lord who provided it all, to be my purpose!

Everywhere there is nature’s beauty in some form; or people to talk to, or thoughts to ponder, or conversations with God to have. Be sure to include those things in your list…they are what make things worthwhile!

Take care and take time to smell the roses, as they say!

2 thoughts on “Time to notice and enjoy things”

  1. Don’t forget to listen, too. Be still, close your eyes and listen carefully. Amazing how many birds you hear, or a stream you didn’t even know was near. Amazing!

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